The next 26 days we will go through the alphabet as part of the A-Z challenge.

As this is the beginning, I want to start with an unfinished poem a là work in progress. What do you think? Where does the Ode not serve the overall piece? What did you like?
Ode to Apple

A magical sound
like bells on a tree.
This is your juicy cacophony
from the branches of excess.

We all want to eat you.
I’d kill just to feel you,
I want you – bad.

It makes me so sad,
when I wonder what it’s like 
to explore your world
from the out- and the inside.

I need to take a bite.

An Apple is lustrous and hard on the shell,
But open the cover and flimsy glimmers a light
On erratic lines – my fingers wild.

Varieties in shape and taste,
an Apple is a legend to the eye,
so Adam got one right away.

Delicious Apple
There’s only one way
to savour your sweet vitamins.


  1. Li said...
    What, no mention of Eve?!? (Gasp):) I like "branches of excess".
    Unknown said...
    Very cool, now I want an apple in the worst way. My faves are the Pink Lady variety.
    Apfel said...
    Exactly what Li said, I was expecting you'd mention Eve there!
    Anni said...
    OMG - this is so much better than I expected it to be. I love Apples, I love Apple and I love this poem. There is so much truth in it. I further like the connotations with all the other Apples! Thank you so much for writing it Nahno!
    RHYTHM AND RHYME said...
    As a poet myself this to me was excellent.
    A great start to the challenge. look forward to coming back.
    Good luck with the rest of the challenge.
    DEZMOND said...
    Is it just me, or did you have some sexy thoughts in mind while writing the poem :)
    Unknown said...
    I'm glad people like it.

    Sexy thoughts - well, no, not when I was writing it, but I admit that reading through it, it also popped up in my head.

    Eve - I thought putting both names in is so obviously Adam and Eve, whereas just using the poor, coaxed Adam makes you at least think about it a bit. Also, his story works better for my argument, where apple does to us these things, in which ever way it comes.
    Stephanie said...
    Great start to the A-Z Challenge!!
    Apfel said...
    I see the poem in a different light now! :)
    Abby Minard said...
    Ooh, that was sultry. Really cool! I love both apples and Apple. I love the sort of reading between the lines on this one.

    Oh, and I have an award for you over at my blog!
    Laura said...
    Fab poem! Loved it. See you tomorrow
    Lisa said...
    Love the verse. Enjoyed terms like cacophony.

    I'll be following your A-Z like I follow your other work.


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